Developer News Federation

Kirk and Scotty Join The Fray!

GF9 is proud to announce the arrival of two new Federation Away Teams to the Star Trek: Away Missions lineup, led by Captain Kirk and Commander Scotty respectively.

These expansions, that bring The Original Series to the table, are ready to play straight out of the box, come with pre-designed card decks (making the most of each character’s abilities), contain core missions exclusive to each team and introduce both ‘beaming away’ and Tribbles to the game.

Experienced players can mix cards and ‘specialists’ from other Federation away teams to customise their decks and add even more variety to their competitive matchups.

Captain Kirk joins the fold alongside Spock, ‘Bones’ and Chekov to continue to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before!

Commander Scotty’s Away Team, consisting of Uhura, Sulu and Leslie, will move from keeping things running behind the scenes on the Enterprise to the front lines of the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359!

Both expansion packs will be available to pre-order from 27/01/2024 and will be with you ready to beam down in March 2024.